October 2006

October 2006 was a month that began on a Sunday.

The month was marked by a nuclear test by North Korea that prompted that passing of Resolution 1718 by the United Nations Security Council.

Also at the United Nations, Ban Ki-moon was elected to succeed Kofi Annan as the secretary-general and Belgium, Indonesia, Italy and South Africa were elected to two-year terms on the Security Council; the four nations and Ban Ki-moon began their tenures in January 2007. A fifth temporary on the Security Council was still up for grabs at the end of the month.

The Nobel Prizes for the year were awarded, with Muhammad Yunus and the Grameen Bank receiving the Nobel Peace Prize. Lesotho adopted a new flag, Several national elections took place around the world during October 2006 and a scandal involving former United States Congressman Mark Foley was at the forefront just ahead of November elections in the United States. Microsoft Corporation released version 7 of its Internet Explorer internet browser software.

The following events also occurred during the month: